
Message from president

Message from President



Mr. Yoshio Suzuki

Since our company was founded in 1962 in the former place name of Suginami, "Shenbu" in Tokyo, we started business with the current headquarter location, with the company name as NARIMUNE.

Thank you for your consideration, in 2018 I was able to celebrate the 57th anniversary since foundation.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your cooperation.

At the beginning of the founding, we started with machining, and now we have been promoting our business specializing in supplying sand prototypes with a high degree of completeness to development events centered on automobile manufacturers' powertrains.

Even in the automobile industry, as overseas production has increased along with globalization in recent years, we also established a digital engineer division in Bangkok, Thailand in 1998 and established a structure that can respond quickly to customer needs.

Even if we mention engine development now, a wide variety of demands are required. Also, in order to respond to requests with quick delivery, cooperation between software and hardware is an important factor. We have built a collaborative system with Thai staff over the past 15 years.

In shaping things, we have devoted our utmost to "sticking to quality" and "improving our technical capabilities."

Even if it is a difficult road ahead, we will not fear failure,

   < T R Y  &  C H A L L E N G E  !! >

In the spirit of not being frightened by any problems, I am willing to challenge each one individually and to inspire them to be a leader in this field.

I look forward to your continued warm support and cooperation in the future.

Narimune Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Narimune Techno Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd

Yoshio Suzuki














01 October 2018

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